EA killing support for numerous games

If everyone would stop drinking the Kool-Aid maybe they would start listening.
I thought gamespy was shutting down but EA was migrating bf2 and 2142?
I thought gamespy was shutting down but EA was migrating bf2 and 2142?
I'd have to go back but most of the articles either said it was being evaluated or they were speculating out their ass.

They need to just take this along with Activision's new commitment to future warfare and realize they need to come up with a 2142 successor. Sadly even if they do its not working out with BF4 its kind of a bad time to wish for such a thing.
They said they were going to save BF2/2142. Now I know I will not buy another EA product. I've been duped into buying the last three shitty Battlefield games but I'm fucking done with them now.
All I am seeing is an Origin post saying that they were working on transitioning them. No official press release every saying that though.

One thing any twitter user should know is to not read twitter. Some companies twitter accounts are run by their advertising agencies for god sakes. Quite often the person posting has no clue or even doesn't have the authorization to say what they are saying. Hell even in company that still applies, Zh1nt0 has posted wrong shit so many times :p

However worth noting the article is only saying that these games are effected by the gamespy closure, they do not say that EA has said nothing will be done, because in fact they have not said anything. The article appears to link the latest official release - http://www.ea.com/news/update-on-ea-titles-hosted-on-gamespy

Its also worth mentioning ANY patch released for 2142 would effectively save the game from the whole beta patch, real patch issue that exists. Might be a little late though.
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Nice lol.

Well at least they are making good financial decisions. There really is no point in saving 2142 except to please a few fans. However there are about 10,000 people playing BF2 still and if they patch it, people will cry that they should have patched 2142. Realistically that's how it should go down as well. Patch them both or neither at all.

This patch doesn't necessarily have to be extensive, but it depends on what they have the rights to do. If they have the rights to obtain and distribute the gamespy backend files then all the patch needs to do is allow the end users to point to a new master server. If they can't then it means alot more work. For those that can upgrade, there is more profit in selling newer games than there is in selling 0 games to people who already own it.

The douche move will be when a game like 2142 goes offline and is still in the store. Kind of like GRiD.
If they remove it that doesn't help at all. But at this point multiplayer is done and the link i posted above will be for those who already have it, discs.