EA You're Killing me!!!


Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
Just got the game and it wont let me even install it because of origin. Get a message that say's they know of the problem and are working on it. Fucking burns me. Good to see the servers are doing well. Just suck's not to play. Keep up the good work guys and I'll hopefully see you on the field soon.
I'm really hacked off about this. EA could surely have predicted that the activation servers would be required, and made certain that they'd be working. I wouldn't even have the problem if they'd released the damn game in Europe at the same time as everywhere else. Wankers.
I get the same crap from battlebug all the time. At least my game runs ok but I'm tired of clicking options in battlebug and getting the same message you are. The end result is back to the home page and try again.

Did you get a disk or just download version?
Yep, can't even add games into origin. Same issue. And customer support doesn't respond, they just give an automated message.
Disk Red. I always have to have the disk. Even if I have to wait 4 day's to play. I want my disk. Funny thing when I ordered that pos game HomeFront. It came the day of release. So I though BF3 would come the same way. Nope
I just finished installing Win 7 64 bit and I'm in the process of installing all the fucking software and websites that I normally use. Origins just popped me with the same message as you Sid, "sorry we are inconsiderate careless cunts, thanks for your money"
EA is nothing if not consistent.
27/10/2011 23:07 , edited 27/10/2011 23:09 by activilicious

As many of you have seen the origin activation system is down. EA is gathering up all their troups at the moment to manually activate each account.

Thanks for the understanding

Jesus Christ...
I was considering going out and buying the hard copy, but then I realized that the hard copy won't even play without Origin. Awesome.
I have been playing since release day and now I get a "Authentication Notification Issue" pop-up from Origin when I boot my PC. This just started today! Is this the same issue you are all talking about or is it a new one straight from our friends at EA?
Same issue, Origin authentication is down. Now it will allow you to at least reach the purchase screen, but now the checkout crashes.
If you type support in the origin search bar, it generates 0 results, seriously.
If you have been receiving the "You have been kicked by the Administator" message while playing Battlefield 3 you may need to manually update your Punkbuster installation.
First, download PBSetup from here: http://battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com/public/pbsetup.exe [battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com]
When you start PBSetup, you will be presented with EvenBalance's license agreement. Accept the agreement to proceed.
The utility will then download information about the latest PunkBuster version for BF3. Once this is complete, you are presented with a list of the PunkBuster-enabled games that are present on your systems.

If Battlefield 3 is not in that list, you can add it:
- Click on "Add a Game"
- In the topmost dropdown box, choose "Battlefield 3"
- Click on "Add Game"
- You should now have Battlefield 3 in the list of PunkBuster-enabled games.

Finally update the PunkBuster DLLs. Click on Battlefield 3, and choose "Check for Updates". PBsetup will check if the DLLs are up-to-date; if not, the latest DLLs will be downloaded and installed. .
At this point PunkBuster is fully up to date and configured for Battlefield 3.