Pure headshot hack. never left his main, was able to headshot into opposite team's main.
I hope you can see that. His battle report. 3x more points than anyone on his team and he never left base. 39/40 kills were headshots. was 35/0 before someone finally flew a jet i nto him to kill him. Also had no ping which is what I assume was part of his cheat. If you shot him, he wasnt there. He'd jump across the screen several yards. But once he was caught sniping into our main everyone was certain he was cheating. Hell even his own team complained. Never seems to happen when a tbg admin is on. Just wish they were on more. But this guy was painfully obvious.
I hope you can see that. His battle report. 3x more points than anyone on his team and he never left base. 39/40 kills were headshots. was 35/0 before someone finally flew a jet i nto him to kill him. Also had no ping which is what I assume was part of his cheat. If you shot him, he wasnt there. He'd jump across the screen several yards. But once he was caught sniping into our main everyone was certain he was cheating. Hell even his own team complained. Never seems to happen when a tbg admin is on. Just wish they were on more. But this guy was painfully obvious.