

Registered User
Jan 23, 2014
I played Lost planet series on console. Played L4D2 for awhile now grabbed bunch of custom maps , skins etc got old. But i do enjoy a good co-op type of game. Question is "is it worth the $50-$60".
I honestly never heard about this game, but it looks interesting.
Yeah i saw the trailer on my lunch break and well honestly the "creators of l4d" caught my attention.
Yeah some friends and I are considering getting it. Looks pretty awesome. Not sure about how long the population of players will last.
As @HeatSurge said there is a good chance that there will be a lot of 4 hunters waiting for an opponent in the lobby.
Yeah i wouldn't mind trying out a demo of this or something. Ah dang yeah i should'av checked for post about this. The monster actually seems pretty awesome i wouldn't be surprised to find myself playing that more than hunter.
Was it demoed on consoles with a controller? Two fiddly during Christmas next year if yes.
I will play the beast every fucking time!!! that shit makes me hard. if you can make it to a lvl 3 bad guy...mother fuck and know what classes to take out first, and how to get the hunters to burn cooldowns...fucking fun shit!
Kraken is pretty awesome , so far two monsters are available ? Goliath and Kraken. Kraken can fly enough said.
Was it demoed on consoles with a controller? Two fiddly during Christmas next year if yes.
Not sure it looks like they are using controllers due to movement. All i know is Oct 21st this game will come out along with few more titles talk about a dilemma.
I take it you don't like to use controller on pc ? I would use a controller for ps1 or ps2 emulator.
The small dual-stick controllers that come with consoles are good for action platformers, and quick-time-events-type-games (rhythm games, certain "action puzzlers" etc.) where aiming accuracy is irrelevant, and all the skill comes from button presses on timing/reaction time.

This game shouldn't be one of those.

I love using:
- an arcade controller for arcade games, fighting games, certain platformers, 2d scroller shooters
- long twin stick "rc box" for a RC emulator I have
- racing wheel for racing games worth mentioning
- long joystick for flight sims
- logitech rumblepad 2 (wired) for some action platformers and platforming games (it works REALLY well for 3d/2d platforming games - pretty much what these types of controllers are created for, and arguably 2d scroll shooters although I prefer an arcade stick for the latter)

So I have no shortage of controllers, although everything has its place.

Fuck demoing games on xshit at "gayming conferences." I remember when that trend started about 7-8 years ago, just about when the quality of a lot of franchises plummeted.

If they're the L4D developers, they should remember where and how that got started.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate on them, L4D was actually one of the most amazing experiences of its time (for me). But then L4D2 never "felt right" and I'm extremely skeptical now that this is being advertised, as if I'm supposed to jump on this like it's an erect cock just because "it's the same developer."

People's values change, we can clearly see that elsewhere.

It might be a good game, I'll check it out if it "looks good" on release and it's released through a nonshit channel.
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