Execution video shows Afghan tribal justice still enforced


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
You guys have got to watch this, it's brutal!

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regime in the mid east needs to be taken out. I'm talking all of mid east. FUCK THE MID EAST REGIME!
Seriously they remind me of fucking savages. What is this the monkey age?
Hey it happens, yes theyre people too but the entire way of living is different. You steal? Cut off your hand. Its just different. Hadjii pops off a mortar at me when Im sleeping? Apache makes him into a 20ft crater.
Seriously they remind me of fucking savages.

They are savages. I remember when iran's election happend, the fuckin rev guards were beating young/old people up, raping them, torturing them in prison, making false accusations...I can go on. They don't deserve to live.
At times, we aren't much better--crying for justice in high-profile court cases with some making threats against the accused and acquitted. It's human nature in a way.