Feb 20-March6ish


Registered User
Nov 12, 2012
Gonna be somewhat missing after Feb 20. I might still pop in and out on Steam, but I won't be back full time until after March 6.
Chicken but... what about BAR!!! u must not LEAVE! :D:D:D
I'm back! Sorta... got an upgrade, finally changed to 64bit, but having to reinstall everything's a bitch. Also, like a total idiot, I forgot to back up my pictures folder meaning years of vacations and family pics are gone, which makes me a sad panda. =( While I'm reinstalling everything, I also still have a friend over, so I won't be on as much as I used to. She leaves around the 20th or so, and then I should be back in full.
I'm an idiot when it comes to backing up, so I have plenty of experience with data recovery. Had to do it with at least 5 diff HDs. Half the time, it's not worth the effort. It takes too damned long for too little payoff in my experience. Just gonna give it up as a lost cause and move on. At least this time I didn't lose my porn stash. God that was a disaster.
I'm an idiot when it comes to backing up, so I have plenty of experience with data recovery. Had to do it with at least 5 diff HDs. Half the time, it's not worth the effort. It takes too damned long for too little payoff in my experience. Just gonna give it up as a lost cause and move on. At least this time I didn't lose my porn stash. God that was a disaster.
