Finally fit enough to get back into Military.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2008
As you probably remember there was a time that I was going into the military and I hurt myself. Long story short however now, I'm physically fit, and I just received my Bachelors in Business Management. Now my only debate is going back into the military. I'm just asking for advice because I want to follow what my father did and go into aviation. What are my chances, or anything I could do to steer myself into that direction again?

I did also, with my previous ASVAB, score high enough in the percentile to become a pilot according to my recruiter, but that was almost 4 years ago now.
Perfect eye sight, I'm talking to a recruiter now about getting my path towards that. And Renno, lol I've thought about Airborne. A lot actually. lol
Perfect eye sight, I'm talking to a recruiter now about getting my path towards that. And Renno, lol I've thought about Airborne. A lot actually. lol
airborne is better than air by the sense that you get more fresh air :D
Dorb PM Lex. I'm sure he would be able to answer some of your questions about piloting in the Armed Forces. Other than that the others have got you covered I believe.
Okay thanks Bot, and I've been talking to Lex, he suggest going to Warrant Officer for aviation. However just so I know, what is the process for Airborne Kris?