Finished another painting this morning


Ban Manager
Nov 6, 2008
I finished the Harley Quinn painting that I started recently. I guess spring break offers a bit more free time. I am thinking of either Gambit or The Hulk next.
Wow, that looks terrific!

Anyone wanna do the "do you like pudding" joke here?
is this acrylic? How many other artist are here in TBG, we should have an exchange!
Yes, @SquirrelyTokyo it is acrylic. I also work in watercolor, oils, pen and ink, etc. I am an art teacher in my real job. Bullet sponge is only my hobby.
Yes, @SquirrelyTokyo it is acrylic. I also work in watercolor, oils, pen and ink, etc. I am an art teacher in my real job. Bullet sponge is only my hobby.
wow that's awesome I had no idea! I work with acrylic mostly when painting but I also like ink as well. I do print making and ceramics too!
Amazing painting @MacN8r! Batman the Animated Series is my all-time favorite. You nailed it!
@SquirrelyTokyo what type of printmaking? I usually do drypoint and soft or hard ground, but have been known to do lino and woodcut. Also, this was painted on primed Masonite panel. Usually I am a homemade stretched canvas guy, since my paintings tend to be large. (Yes, @JoeLeb, like me).
@SquirrelyTokyo what type of printmaking? I usually do drypoint and soft or hard ground, but have been known to do lino and woodcut. Also, this was painted on primed Masonite panel. Usually I am a homemade stretched canvas guy, since my paintings tend to be large. (Yes, @JoeLeb, like me).
I love love love copper etching, that hard ground smells so damn good lol but cant really do that at home. I am currently doing a copper etched plate at school that im pretty excited about. I just did a dry point and hated it lol but lino and wood are both good by me depending on the image. Burnishing sucks but, thats all I can do at home.
Have you used spray paint on an etching to do easy aquatint? Little trick I learned from my printmaking prof.
Have you used spray paint on an etching to do easy aquatint? Little trick I learned from my printmaking prof.
nope not yet I will be trying aquatint after spring break on the plate im currently working on and getting ready for etching. Im pretty excited to try it. All the results I have seen so far look awesome.
I love love love copper etching, that hard ground smells so damn good lol but cant really do that at home. I am currently doing a copper etched plate at school that im pretty excited about. I just did a dry point and hated it lol but lino and wood are both good by me depending on the image. Burnishing sucks but, thats all I can do at home.

We would love to see some of your artwork too!