[EVE Online] First 2 days of trying eve.


Mar 6, 2011
My first day consisted of skipping the tutorial and running off to mine shit for money. After Concor'Dokken myself I outfitted my replacement ship with a better weapon and mining turret. Shortly after I decided in the interest of profit I should run all mining equipment and no weapons. Well this introduced me to the game mechanic of CPU power. Ship ain't got enough for 2 mining turrets and the cargo hold sucked anyways.

After searching for a ship I could actually use at this point I found out the perfect one is free if you go do a mission for a career agent. You know that thing you do after the tutorial.

So day 2 I have something worth insuring. Full coverage cost me 125000 ISK which is about 2 hauls with my old ship. Payout is around 550000 which funny enough I make more than that per load with this new ship. If I lost one per day I could still be pretty proftiable. However the next ship I'm getting that is probably not so true. Looking at getting a barge next.

So yeah in the stupidest game in the world I picked the most boring proffesion. However it should prove to fund other shit.

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Mining does suck in EVE. Even so, a mining barge is pretty quick but an Exhumer is better. Anyways, best way to make some cash is to make enough for a good Battlecruiser or Battleship and then go missioning. Level 4 missions are fairly profitable. I usually run Gallente, so I fly drones and outfit my ship with Salvagers & Tractor Beams. I'm still perfecting my loadout for that, flying a Myrmidon and working towards a Dominix.
I played for about 8 months once (had a hulk and an orca alt) then again for another 3 on different characters. It's a pretty fun game, I made a friend that had some outposts where I could research blueprints and produce things.
It can be a lot of micromanaging and dull but kind of fun.
Well my laptop runs it pretty well maxed out with AA and HDR on. So I can go mining in hisec areas without any real interaction and then do shit on my desktop until some jihadist comes through.
When I beta tested eve way back when I liked the graphics due to the fact it was one of the first direct x 9 games out there. Then I started to play and found out the graphics are really not necessary in the game. It's basically spreadsheets on crack.
Graphics have improved in the last 10 years it seems but any MMO is stats versus stats plus a little strategy. My problem with eve is it basically represents what is wrong with humanity. People basically get a hard on from killing and destroying with some actual consequence of loss. You get these trolls that try to extort value out of you and heaven forbid you don't speak their language because that alone gets you killed. Humans being humans that's EVE in a nutshell.
Pvp is enjoyable for me in that. I had 2 ibdustrial alts that payed for plexes for all 3 accounts plus still payed for ships and such. Stay away from jita.... stay away from supply crates.... you open one and you can be fired upon by the owner. I fly a using a hyperion most of the time.... i do have a dominix i use for soloing missions but they do nit hold up well alone in pvp. Myrmidon is grwat for pvp when outfitted right.
Get into a non pvp corp that has a base setup in wormhole space. They can escort your gear there.... you can make some serious money on low sec just maje sure you run with someone else. You can check the galaxy map to see whers ships have been destroyed in the past hour so if you hang out away from those you should be good.
I had a set up where I would run run 4 accounts at once. If I was going for ice I would have 3 Mackinaws and an Orca, Hulks if I was going for ore.

I could tear asteroid belts apart really fast, and had a Charon for hauling everything to market. I loved that game, but eventually fell out of it. (Like three different times now). Every single time I start playing again I wish I had kept my subscription and skills going, but I never do. :P
Send a message in-game to Nutzen Boltz if you are still playing. We can set up a mining op or go on a frigate roam in low/null.