Floating Navigation and other theme changes implemented.


Mar 6, 2011
The previously announced navigation bar float has been implemented from this thread - http://www.tbgclan.com/threads/been...ong-promised-forum-feature-coming-soon.29462/

Known Issues:
- Login Bar which pushes the page down doesn't move the header. This is mostly a visual issue which will be fixed tomorrow.
- Floating Navigation needs to be either disabled or adjusted for people logged out. Doesn't make any sense as currently designed.
- Need fix for greater than 1080P, Will do in the morning.

Other Changes:
- Social Networking links moved to breadcrumb, added missing icons.
- Added original TBG icons for read/unread forums.
- Fixed styling issues with who has read a thread.
- Changed styling on front page slider

This is about half of the theme work for this month. The rest of the changes below as well as the plugin plan in order of when its being worked on.

Next Theme Changes:
Fix design decision that caused rounded corners and white space in parts of the theme.
- Fix/Add styling to all aftermarket plugins.
- Make front page full responsive for mobile devices.
- Finish any unfinished areas of theme.

Plugins in progress in order of delivery:
- New Roster
- Navigation Manager
- Birthday Thread Plugin (replacing the one we have now)
- Screenshot Viewer
- Log Viewer
- Recruit Management Plugin

Fixes for resolutions witgh a width higher than 1920px in place for the header. I still have to fix the floating nav bar for those resolutions.
Looking good rain. Floating nav looks good.
Appreciate the feedback guys. I have actually gotten PM's and messages from people that didn't even see the thread because they had seen what changed.

I really appreciate that everyones been patient and not too whiney. The truth is I had about 6 months before the start of the year to do all this crap and never got anything done. So while come the end of this month the site should look like it was supposed to January 1st, come June when we get into the last of the plugins to be developed it will have been the 6 months I originally needed to do the job. This shit is really what I love to do but I have become a bit disorganized, slow and lazy and well heres the results :p
Tartu acts like a dick and Rain remembers everything he wanted to do :D
Fixed the login bar from pushing the page down which was as designed but interfering with new stuff. Slept all day no time to fix anything else yet.
Using chrome on mY nexus 4


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Lol great the tapatalk bugging reminder looks like its fubared the page. Does it go away when you change pages? I'll disable the thing asap and fix in the morning.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Yeah I just checked in Firefox on android same thing even after disabling the optional notice lol wish I has time to fix this very second late for work.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Fixed. Those assholes hardcoded everything for the smartbanner. Editing php while driving is fun.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk