

Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
hay is it just me or is some thing up with the forum? Was fine till about 1:pm cmt. Vent info on left side wont show up and I think thats what is make the load time for the Home page take way to long. But if it's me then FUCK COMCAST!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry held that in for to long ;p
Sometimes the server that we use for the Ventrilo Status script goes down. Don't worry about it ;).
Been having problems all evening with it? Doesn't refresh, no vent, get stuck in a post and can't back out, etc etc.
Man Sid, you got a rage streak when u get made huh?

Its that Spanish blood. Sorry If I show it. Just let me know I'll cap it ;p Maybe you and I should have a talk? I've never been good with writing so it limits my tone :)
ventrilo status is a HTML code you add to the module, it shows your vent status. Site that you get html code from

If is down pretty much it will not work on our site. All you can do is wait till there issue gets resolved.
Thanks fast just trying to help if anything is wrong:)
Its that Spanish blood. Sorry If I show it. Just let me know I'll cap it ;p Maybe you and I should have a talk? I've never been good with writing so it limits my tone :)

You know I was joking right, rage all you want! lulz
ok i removed it temporarly until comes back on.

I added the gametracker for now, let me know if there are any complications.
nanospy back online i swapped the old ventrilo status. Let me know if issues persist.