Funny New Years Story


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Went to gf sisters bf graduation party for college. The two of the 6 sisters got drunk and they had to take them home, when she got home she puked all over my gf's dog (red wine) of coarse, and all over the floor. One of the others got drunk as well and puked all over the carpet. Mom and Dad where there of coarse, Dad was yelling at his two daughter...he was drunk too of coarse and threatened to drive back home..even though the fog was so sick I was DDing and could barley keep the car on the road. The mom was yelling at the dad for yelling at his two drunk daughters, so he runs out the door and the two sober sisters are yelling at him not to drive home so they tackle him on the front lawn and rip the keys out of his hand, meanwhile my gf was cleaning the carpets and getting the wine stains off her dog which needs to be put down anyways..Meanwhile laughing at them all.
No one made it to midnight.
Wow. And I thought my family was fucked up. You can keep them! lulz As long as you had fun.
On second thought, did you say 6 sisters? That's a scary family by itself right there.