Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Booth At PAX


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008

Here are some pictures of the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier booth at PAX Prime 2011.
If you pre-order a copy of the game directly from the PAX booth you will receive a special in game gun.
For pre-ordering you will receive a limited edition Penny Arcade in-game gun skin featuring Penny Arcade's Twisp and Catsby.

the very first ghost recon will always be the best. Best real simulator ever made i think. Now its all arcadish
BETTER THAN ARMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and its a 10 year old game lol

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Just seems it's like a sequel to 'Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter'.
nah ghost recon 2 or whatever is totally different than original. The first one is a simulator then they screwed that up by making it more of an arcade style.

1 shot in the chest and your aim is off and breathing loudly causing enemies to hear you. One in the leg and you will limp. Most cases 2 shots and you are dead.
The main thing I didn't about 'Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter' was that you could not jump.