Google says 4.5 million people signed anti-SOPA petition today


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
‎"A spokeswoman for Google confirmed that 4.5 million people added their names to the company's anti-SOPA petition [yesterday]...As of this writing 1.458 million people signed a similar petition at the activist website, and Fight for the Future said that between its two sites, and, at least 350,000 people have sent emails to representatives in the House and Senate." Way to go, everyone! :D

Google says 4.5 million people signed anti-SOPA petition today -
How many Americans signed it? Not to be an ass but American politicians aren't going to give a fuck if a Canadian, Swede and South Korean sign the petition. I signed it. Yesterday John Boehner said the bill was in committee going through markup, but that the bill did not have consensus. That's politispeak for "we are getting a ton of shit over this bill that nobody here really gives a shit about, so we are gonna take a break, lick our finger and stick it in the air". San Fran Nan Pelosi, who is the main supporter of the bill has ZERO power thanks to the tea party wiping out the dems in the 2010 house elections. There are only 80 supporters of the bill, between the two houses of congress COMBINED. This bill is going nowhere people, relax. Out of 535 members of congress, they have literally less than 1 out of 6 legislators supporting it.
Voting for legislation that does little to curb online piracy, while burdening companies at the forefront of American Technological Innovation, all to protect industries that refuse to develop or adopt efficient content distribution mechanisms that have been made possible and profitable by said technological innovators is both unjust and terrible economic policy.
If they pass this lame bill, everyone's going to be pissed. + there will be a bunch of lawsuits making the US even worst than before. I hope they don't pass this bill and it get's denied.
Facebook, google, twitter, everybody would have to move abroad. And US ISPs would have to block access to them in case they get prosecuted for displaying an infringing comment. Result? US ends up like North Korea, with its own government-approved internet that the rest of the world neither knows, nor cares, about. Web 2.0 would cease to exist in the very country that gave it to the world. Who the hell thought this would be a good idea?
Facebook, google, twitter, everybody would have to move abroad. And US ISPs would have to block access to them in case they get prosecuted for displaying an infringing comment. Result? US ends up like North Korea, with its own government-approved internet that the rest of the world neither knows, nor cares, about. Web 2.0 would cease to exist in the very country that gave it to the world. Who the hell thought this would be a good idea?

i dont know but it would be kinda funny if usa got a internet censorship like china, id have to LOL.. aslong as youporn isnt american im happy :)
Gingrich had a funny answer when asked if he supported SOPA at the South Carolina Republican presidential debate tonight:
