Greenpeace getting manhandled by the FSB & Spetsnaz as of this moment


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011

"Our ship the Arctic Sunrise has been illegally boarded by armed Russian authorities. The ship's Twitter account which was providing updates has gone silent. Live updates here: #SaveTheArctic: Greenpeace activists in Russia protesting against Arctic oil drilling"

So, they attacked an oil rig, tried to seize it and stop all work with great force. now they complain about being on their knees on the helipad and being pointed guns at their heads at.

(p.s. - we've posted so much shit in private in the last week, maybe use the general discussion forums more?)
Good. As far as I'm concerned they're a terrorist organization. They attack ships on the open sea, oil rigs, etc. and whine about anything done to them in retaliation.

When a group uses systemic violence as a means to their political goals that fits the definition of terrorism.
Good. As far as I'm concerned they're a terrorist organization. They attack ships on the open sea, oil rigs, etc. and whine about anything done to them in retaliation.

When a group uses systemic violence as a means to their political goals that fits the definition of terrorism.

indeed, greenpeace has gone a bit too anal with their shit when they say arrested illegally,I mean, if you ram a 148 ton ship into someone it really makes you a serious dick.
Leave it to the cunt stains known as greenpeace to make me agree with the Russians. Damnit.