Greetings from Symthic!


Registered User
Dec 30, 2012

My name is theaha and I am one of the leaders of the Symthic match team. I am sure that you guys know of the site (probably as the stats site. :p)

A couple months ago we got stomped by reddit but had such a great time we starting trying to get more matches and communities to play against.

We are interested in challenging TBG Clan in a friendly match.

If you guys are interested feel free to hit me back here (this post or pm) or email me at and we can start to work out some details/questions


Advanced BF3 & CoD:BO2 etc. Weapon Stats and Charts |Symthic
Team Symthic
Oooooh this sounds like fun right here. Love your site btw. Great info and forums.
Do you know who I should contact then? Or will the correct people see this?
Oooooh this sounds like fun right here. Love your site btw. Great info and forums.

Thats an understatement. Love the site, very well put together.

Do you know who I should contact then? Or will the correct people see this?

The right people will see it. Most are in game right now and in teamspeak. I'm sure someone will mention it to them.

What kind of match are you talking about? Rush? TD? Vehciles? jets? 5v5 10v10?

We have a few competitive Chopper squads if you wanted to get 2 of your guys in the air with us.

What kind of match are you talking about? Rush? TD? Vehciles? jets? 5v5 10v10?

We have a few competitive Chopper squads if you wanted to get 2 of your guys in the air with us.

We mostly play conquest (all vehicles) but would be open to rush. If we play on our server we have a max of 16v16 but if you guys wanted to play something bigger our team size is 24-26 we just would need a different server.
We are also open to inf only.
Now that sounds cool, even if it has been a long time since we scrimmed. Give us a day or so as many of us have been busy with the holidays, but I know for sure about 8 - 12 guys that would be willing just about any time.
Okay. Sounds great! We are thinking about early February or maybe the 19/20 of January for a possible date.
12v12 sounds good. We used to do 12v12 titan scrims many moons ago.
We are down for some 12 vs 12. (also this would be for pc just fyi) if you guys wanted to do some larger maps I think there needs to be 16.
Should discussion of maps/rules/dates be over this post or via pm with someone?
The person that handles scrims has been away for the Holidays. I'll post something elsewhere to see someone else can do this in the mean time.
How about something like this: :P 2:42 on.

we can all meet in a back alley of sharqi, grab our 44s and see who blinks first. :P
Oh this will happen. Just waiting for scrim master to get back online. Btw....count me in. Been hoping for some scrims.