GTX 570 Frame performance on BF3 Ultra 1080P (Caspian MP) this ones for Eurphuct!


Mar 6, 2011
Excuse the moire. The screen is 42 inches and the video is shot by a 720P dSLR to avoid fraps/playclaw affecting frames. Had this been done on a smaller screen it would look alot better.

This one is for willis (Eurphuct) he keeps saying "Listen to me dude go into your settings and turn your AA all the way up it will destroy your frame rate" things of this nature. Well here you go buddy. I DONT need to listen because my settings are already max'd out I always play on Ultra. I made 2 videos one 720P how i normally play and then I took it down stairs and played on the 1080P TV.

1080P Resolution Video. (Gameplay starts @ 1:50 if you want to skip the explanation)
<object style="height: 420px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="420"></object>
Video is available in 720P but no matter what the video quality is shit the frame counter is all we are here for. No i don't get a kill till like 6:30 lol.
Machine for those who don't know is an I5-2500K @ 4.4Ghz and the MSI GTX 570 TF3PE is clocked at 950 core 1900 shader and 2200 memory.

Here is the 720P video I originally made before dragging my machine downstairs:
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
He's right, turn that shit off and your frame rates go up. If you're happy in the 40's then don't but Eurphuct is correct nonetheless.
He's right, turn that shit off and your frame rates go up. If you're happy in the 40's then don't but Eurphuct is correct nonetheless.

Well im getting 60 to 120 fps on the monitor i normally play on, thats freaking plenty (plus its only 75hz). Im pretty sure he knows im on a 720P and everytime I tell him im on Ultra hes like go into your settings and do this.... never listens thats its already max'd out and that at 720P the framerates are fine.

Now when I get my new monitor I will be playing on high so I have some recording head room. But yeah 40's is playable I have yet to see the minimum frame rate (not average) hit below playable. If they do and sooner or later I will run into it doing so yeah its gonna suck balls. Lag will cause it real fast I didnt seem to be getting any.

Lower frame rates and destroyed are 2 different things to me. Im not hitting minimum's or averages that would make it even remotely difficult to play. I record daily at 60 fps occasional drops to 55 or whatever. I would probably turn down AA before I turn HBAO off back in Bad Company id tell anyone to turn that BS off but it looks too good in BF3 lol.
The more I watch this video the more I realize how bad it is compared to how awesome it was playing. The moire is one thing but man the camera sucks at smooth capture much less exposure control...

The 720P video should be fixed again for those still seeing it as private. Maybe not but shure enough it looks like the settings reverted.
you have no bottle neck and playing on 720p gives your card some space to render your game with AA without to much trouble.

Like many of us FPS gamers are obssesed with no lag - good visuals - optimum performance on our computers.

FPS - if higher than 100 allows the picture to be drawn faster - sometimes you notice this when you get pre-shooted. Or someone has the split second shot advantage when they pop from cover, High FPS has somethign to do with that 90% of the time. (we as fps gamers HATE when those situations happen with a passion) so increasing FPS helps gamers who strive to not get screwed because the enemys screen drew the person coming from cover faster than his.. many people go for performance over visuals - some can do both - its all about personal preference theres no right or wrong.

Ping - in simple language - If I click my mouse and the game registers a shot - and on your screen you get killed that event takes 1.2 seconds average. Again FPS gamers want those 1.2 seconds to be 1.0 seconds. Thus they stick in low ping servers and avoid playing in EU servers or servers far from where they live. Ping matters to an extent because with low ping your actions are registered quicker...doesnt neccesarily make you good though but it helps.

High fps = good low ping = good -- both = optimum performance in games -- and if you just suck at the game and you have both - then thats a whole nother issue =P
Death the point was I am on 720P and Ive told him that (he knows it now if he didnt) and I also told him I already have my AA up and he tells me to go turn my AA up.... leaves me like..... lol. I figured I would take the opportunity to show the performance. Should be informative to those who have yet to buy a card.

At 40 FPS the delay per frame is 25ms plus add in the time it takes your monitor to display this change WHICH IS NOT what your monitor is rated for. It CAN take that long (8ms 5ms 2ms whatever) but thats black to white to black timings not mid transition timings which are less about 1-2ms on many screens. A 60hz screen which can refresh 60 frames per second is doing so at 16.6ms per frame in addition to the time it takes the display to actually reflect change.

Personally I can live with 8 milliseconds the difference between 40 and 60 fps if the frame rate is solid which it never is but even then. The information is recieved at whatever time it is received that delay does not further affect the video card unless there is a processor bottleneck.

Ping or Latency is a huge factor as well is input response. Framerate if fluid motion is less than people think it is. Problem is people see 30 fps and think they are getting 30 fps. Thats average and any time a single frame drops below the threshold of 40ms which it probably will if all your getting is 30 average the video will go to shit. 60 fps as an average usually is plenty far away from the minimums hitting that threshold.

@Pre Shooted - Thats 99.9% latency. I know this very well but it seems alot of people don't. Split second isnt 10ms its say 100ms, 200ms which is normal for roundtrip data travel. That amount of time if the video card was affected youd be seeing an unplayable game 100ms delays in movement is 10 fps or ticks if were gonna pull up server data output.
I see your point - but you have to agree higer fps helps gameplay. This day and age its less noticeable the diffrence - but its there to the trained eye.

Players like myself rely on predicting a targets next move, and ansewring back 1 second before you do gives me an edge. Im used to twitched based shooters - and even though I played many and mostly stuck with Halo PC I myself noticed incredible diffrence in gameplay once I went from an old ass dell to a new super computer I built myself - my frames where 100+ compared to 30-60 and was doing amazing things on that game - for 2 years I was at the same if not higher level compared to the best names during those times. I noticed how smooth the targets moved and how easy it was to aim at them. When bf3 came I had a gtx 260 pushing 60-70 fps on low. I got fairly good ratios during beta but I knew I could do better. I got a 580 and playing at ultra maxed settings on 1080p and was getting 80-100 fps. I turned AA off and some other settings and went up to 120-180 fps - and I notice sniping is easier. I care about the small details. seems like your content and thats all that matters =) -- your a skillful player and skill trumps video settings most of the times - but you know performance helps enhance those skills =D.
Oh dont get me wrong i agree. I also suck at fps games. Combine my aspergers syndrome and lack of life im just a tech freak. I have lived with less so for me this is an improvement for willis its not the same.
Lol I love you rain me and you always back and forth on tech talk