Thank you Tulioj!
bob ESL|BloodSport First Seen: Dec 26, 2010 at 1:27 pm @ 77.183.*.238
L1nk1nark3 Last Seen: Dec 26, 2010 at 11:57 am @ 77.183.*.238
L1nk1nark3 is banned @ GGC, and please guess the date of the ban, drumroll: 12/26/10 12:00 AM Sooooo, the loser got a new GUID in less then 2 hours.
GGC-Stream / GUID Search
L1nk1nark3 aliases:
*GTS* MoNtAnA1979 , *st@mpferule* , 666 Th3|*LuCiFeR , =RSS INF<svetlana><3
=RSS= INF<svetlana><3 , [BES] |F3tz|D|e|n3 ,
_No1 Hendrik-Schmutz[GE , Active Th3|*LuCiFeR , coRe. Th3|*LuCiFeR , dR** Th3|*LuCiFeR , eS[F] Th3|*LuCiFeR
Hintakaari , L1nk1nark3 , Th3|*LuCiFeR , WOoKi
hintakaari , ~USG~
Two interesting developments:
1. As the famous sniper hintakaari is Finnish, and he is from Germany - he clearly managed to spoof him. Another proof that name spoofing is still possible, even after the 1.5 patch.
2. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a two for one deal. Looking further into his linked GUID's I found that our good friend supersniper19840 is back:
Man, this guy loves us so much, he can't bring himself to stay away. We should write him another memo, as apparently banning him twice, banning his name and his IP mask - did not get the message through. He was back under
nazer123 Jan 13, 2011 at 3:53 pm, -|TBG|- (, 92.74.*.91. That is the all maps server.
nazer123 aliases:
_No1_ Hendrik-Schmutz[G , achtungkontrolle , B2K achtungkontrolle , B2K nazer123
Hintakaari , Imp4ct Terrortoaster , nazer123 , ProGamermitSkill ,
|.:LINCE:.|bissop , ~USG~ BuSh.inF
Nazer First Seen Dec 22, 2010 @ 93.221.*.17 never used a 77 starting IP, so it may not be Bob, but the name matches on his GUID suggest a close relationship to him.</svetlana></svetlana>