Harvard Students do not know the capital of Canadia unless of course they are from Canaduh


Mar 6, 2011
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/r0fdYhgJIeE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So apparently the one person who knew Ottawa was the capital was Canadian.

As the facebook comments point out we sure as hell know the Mayor of Toronto because we are all smoking on that Rob Ford.
Harvard is too busy brainwashing another generation into Marxism to bother with actual knowledge.
Not trying to hijack. But a lot of Americans don't know their own capital city never mind the capital city of each state or where it is located. Something that I happen to know. :)
I definitely didn't know the capital of Canada.
But I could tell you the capital of 98% of the states. And who the fuck lives in the US and doesn't know the capital.
That video isn't about what the capital is though. The meaning of DC is irrelevant to citizens. The district of Columbia exists so that the governing body is not part of any one state.

Though ask anyone in Virginia its definitely part of Maryland lol.

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I'd like to survey England now. When I was in school most people from England I talked to didn't know the US capital and apparently social studies were optional.

Being the country we declared independence from they ought to know why we celebrate the 4th or is that so 200 years ago?

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I actually knew the Capitol of Canada, and I actually know on a map where most of their major cities are, but that's just because I'm preparing for the retaliatory invasion.