Headaches Yay


Registered User
Aug 4, 2010
Hey guys, as some of you know I am having my headaches again, they a been persistant and not want to leave me the hell alone. Going to take a couple days and try to start feeling better. Will see you all as soon as I can.

P.S. Soulz I should have stuff done today, sorry for delay
Have you had your head scanned? Do you know why it happens? Just curious.
Hope you get better, friend of mine used to have to get shots for that crap
Hope you are feeling better soon. You know we will be waiting for you!

@Bureau - Where did you get the picture of CrazyDog after a night of mojitos?
I know where your coming from i suffer migraines all the time since my accident mine can last 3 days at a time
my advice to you is take pain relief and get into a cool dark place
Yeah man, some of my headaches have last days, drives me friggin crazy, the oxycotin doc gave me have been working alright just have to wake up with headache first unfortunatley. Presently I am in my headache gear ( Camo hunting insulated pants, polar fleece Hoody with hood up and sunglasses on ). Cant wait til this crap is over only another 2 weeks or so if my calculations were correct but who knows with the way the weather has been going.