Heavy machine gun


Registered User
Dec 29, 2012
I've always thought it stupid that the vehicle mount weapons that are supposedly .50 caliber take multiple hits to stop a human target. any thoughts?
If it took any less then it would be OP. Everyone would be on vehicle mounted weapons.
Not really, there are other ways you could even it, make it very un-accurate, slow to swivel, easy to hit, overheat quickly whatever.
All I'm saying is a .50 does more damage than that.
I've shot 5 gallon plastic pails of water with a bolt action .50 and it practically vaporizes them. Nothing left but a huge wet spot and little shards of plastic. One shot. I'm told it does the same to a human but I haven't verified that.
Play arma for a bit and youll understand how weak all the guns are in bf3, in arma you only need 6 mags to carry out an entire mission with an m16, in bf3 you need 1 mag per person