Hello There


Registered User
Nov 20, 2015
Hello, My name is Mathieu, 27 from canada.
My primary language is french.
A little about my gaming life :).
Started playing video games back in 2000, i played quake 3 quite alot, every day.
A few years later i moved to unreal tournament 99, i did host a server there for many many years and my own clan.
About the year 2008 i started playing steam games (day of defeat source) alot and also
I moved to xbox 360, i got a big fan of battlefield. and COD.(am not a COD fan anymore, maby just for the zombie mod)
Played bad companie 2, bf3 and bf4 quite a lot.
I got tired to pay for xboxlive and shitty graphics so there i am, i moved to pc.

I dont really have top of the line hardware.
Motherboard: Asus p5kpl-am epu
cpu: had a Pentium E6700, changed for core 3 quad q9400 3 week ago.
memory: DDr2 2gb upgraded to 4gb (max supported by motherboard)
Video: Radeon HD 4850 512mb.

For BF3 i can say its the minimum to get at least 30 fps minimum.
Will try BF4 next month(internet bandwidth limit reached)

I really like riding dirt bikes, electronics repair and muscle car/mechanic( and gaming of course).
I do have a nice 2nd gen supercherged/stroked camaro :).

Merci d'avoir pris le temps pour vous présenter!

Je dois dire que ton PC est une boîte de merde ( :D ). Do not hesitate to ask us for tips & tricks when improving your PC, just looking at the "Tech Talk" forum would probably suffice, too. :)

p.s. do you speak that French where tanks are cars & weekends are not weekends?

p.p.s. I hope you have fun here at TBG!
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Hey! I have been in there with you several times, both as teammates and opponents. If you ever see anything you think is odd, and myself or another admin is not in game, feel free to post a report on the site or in the shoutbox. We also have a fair bunch of Canadians here at TBG as well.
Can't really upgrade that pc.. have to get a new pc for that(new MB, new pcu, new gpu, new ram..). and i don't want to spend too much.
I got the cpu, gpu and memory used on ebay(it had a geforce 7600gs in there before, ridiculous), it was a cheap upgrade but well worth it... at least playing bf3 dont feel like a slideshow anymore :).

I speak the french from quebec, so i should have said i speak quebecois not french haha :).
I have lots of fun on your server, i also play on the TF2 server.
One thing thats missing is better team balancing. am not complaining, just saying.

Am sorry, i don't remember seeing your name online(or a TBG clan tag).
I hope i was not too bad haha, played bf for years with a controller. Now with a mouse/keyboard, i love it but i need to get used to pilot the heli.
I do have a pc controller, but i hate it so.
I did not tell you but i was a very good heli pilot on xbox360. Am starting to get good again on pc, i just need a bit of time.
will look online for your names :!

Cool and thanks for the warm welcome :).

P.S. oh and am also new on origin, my friendlist is almost empty, so am open for friend request.