here is some space engineering for you rails

Pretty goddamn impressive.

My best effort looks small and gainly by comparison. But christ on a bike can it ever chew through an asteroid.


The grey smudge just right of the crosshair is me. Yes, it's a bloody big ship. And yes, every block was constructed, placed, welded and painted by yours truly.

This bitch can mine a week's worth of ore in a few minutes. I love her.
If you want. You can play locally, or you can host, and there's a dedicated server in the download as well. Server Providers rolled out last week. It's a sandbox right now so no gamemodes or objectives except the ones you set yourself. But they do a big update every thursday and usually a bugfix patch on the friday. The last few updates have added batteries, factions, wheeled vehicles and docking along with a bunch of other stuff. It's a lot of fun.
Rails you have to play with a friend of mine and myself some time. He does everything by himself, and makes some AWESOME ships. Work ships with interchangeable bits for welding, mining, ext. As well as re creation of other ships from StarTrek and StarWars.