Hey TBG it's Jimmy


Registered User
Jun 14, 2015
Hey all.. I was wondering. is there a record for most c4 kills on a TBG server. I have been playing on Air Maps for ages (you guys have the most fun servers) Currently I am at 11,681( 99% on the 27/ Air maps server)

I wanna be the champ!!!! :)
@JustCallMeJimmy -

On the Air Maps server, you are the CLEAR leader in C4 kills of all-time with 10,876 C4 KILLS !
GRATZ! (You are 12th overall on that server)
You are also #63 on the planet earth in C4 kills on PC.

Take a look how far behind #2 is. You may now relish in your internet fame!

May I remind you, it is a bannable offense to kill ChromeLightsaber with C4.


jk :)
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in game stats and GameME stats are totally different but should be more or less the same.

Congrats on the c4 kills!
You guys are awesome.. 32,383 that is allot of pissed of players gettin blown up.
Well Air Map Champ it is!!!

can I have a belt :)
Well done sir. You're welcome to troll our forums anytime. I would like to see you on our Lockers server. I could just imagine the butt hurt you and @19DaRkNeZz68 could make if you guys got together one night.
Been working on some c4 tactics for Locker's... You may be seeing me and my Canadian made c4 very soon :)