As a pc gamer for many years like many of our TBG members, you learn to play with the lag / the lead. The hit registry thing you're talking about is affecting everyone who plays bf3. They buffed suppression, they made certain weapon attachments negatively affect some weapons accuracy long range and short range. Shooting from the hip is going to be more accurate than run in gun. The bipod on an lmg makes it deadly accurate. As a dedicated sniper suppression makes my bullet take a wild turns when my vision is blurry...yea I complain but its there to make the game balanced as I could before the patch turn the tide running and gunning with my qbu-88... after taking off foregrip my qbu-88 accuracy was restored back to its original form. my advise is re-learn every weapon and pay close attention to the attachments on them...if you haven't changed them chances are they're hurting you in game.