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Homebuilt UAV hunts down hydrogen balloons, shoots firework missiles (video)

By Sean Hollister posted Jan 30th 2011 2:29PM

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ozHoP_YThRI" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

Augmented reality
is swell, don't get us wrong, but it's no substitute for the real thing -- especially when that thing is a badass tricopter equipped with a jury-rigged firework cannon to rain down miniature hell. Swedish R/C enthusiasts built this first-person flying contraption to carry out a single mission -- destroy a series of hydrogen-filled balloons -- which will hopefully be hard-coded into future automatons too. After all, balloons could serve as an excellent distraction when they inevitably come for you. Still, there's no need to worry quite yet, so kick back and enjoy the video above while you contemplate humanity's end.
Cool video, in the past I have mounted a video camera on my RC plane and my RC helicopter and even on a model rocket or two but never thought of mounting fireworks on the plane or the helicopter, I am not sure either of them have enough power to lift that kind of extra weight but it may be something to try when the weather gets warmer.:)

I have however mixed Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrous oxide & Helium together in large balloons and set them aloft with 3 foot fuse attached and let me tell you if mixed them just right you will get one hell of flash proceeded by one big ass bang.

Out of the fear of self incrimination, I have never been one to post videos but this 4th of July I will shoot a video of this and uploaded, so you can see what I am talking about. I have been doing this for several years now and it's always a crowd pleaser but after what happen this past year I think I am going to use a remote detonating system as opposed to 3 feet of fuse I have used in prior years.

Last year I had one detonate prematurely because the wind blew hot sparks from the fuse in to the balloon and caused it to explode about 10 foot off the ground. Needless to say it was a pretty close call because normally the balloons reaches 100 feet or more before this is supposed to happens. It felt like a big giant, angry, hot hand reached down from the heavens a slammed me in to the ground. Needless to say I thought I was going to be pretty messed up but somehow I came out with only a few singed hairs on my head.

Sorry I got a little off topic there but when I saw the mix of RC, with fireworks & hydrogen filled balloons it reminded me of my homemade fireworks. :)
Meh! learn as you go..lol. If you have access to a Oxy/Acetylene torch they make good balloons too..HeHe
Meh! learn as you go..lol. If you have access to a Oxy/Acetylene torch they make good balloons too..HeHe
And suddenly, somewhere deep in the basement of a large, formidable looking building in Ft. George Meade, a little red light started blinking... LoL!
LMAO Yeah my chemistry experiments started young. Damn now that explains a lot, come to think of it...:)