How can i tame an USB 3.0 port?


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
Well, the question is simple, how can i tame an USB 3.0 port - what should i stick into it to get epic data transfer speeds and how?
Well, i want something to put bf3 on and make bf3 load ridiculously fast, how do i accomplish that with an usb 3.0?
.....No just no.... what?

Usb 3.0 is not a part of any conversation about making bf3 faster. I mean what in the hell are you going to stick in it that youd rather stick in say a Sata 3 6 Gbps port. Most USB 3 flash drives come in at underwhelming speeds even in comparison to mechanical hard drives. Random seek being the only thing they are garunteed to win at.

That and the usb 3 controller if its shit its shit. So have a good one.
You can get an external SSD.. I'm not sure I'd want a game on an external drive though.. even a SSD USB 3.0 one. Why not just buy an internal 120GB SSD?
well, damn, ok, ive got the sata port too, just tell me what external thing i could use for my grand plan?
well, damn, ok, ive got the sata port too, just tell me what external thing i could use for my grand plan?

Putting anything on an external drive that the PC needs to read quickly isn't a good choice. The bottleneck, as Rain pointed out, will be the onboard controller.
You really have to lay off the Russian drugs man. I tried to tell you that shit doesnt mix right cause the temperature is too low.

If you really want to slow shit down go find a 4gb usb 2.0 drive plug it in and enable readyboost. Now whatch as the cpu cycles wasted making the usb work not only rapes any benifit readyboost gives but goes as far as to worsen performance... good one microsoft..... good one sooo mad i didnt invent that shit.
ooh shit, note to self: dont mix vodka in the philips cleaning solution
plug your mouse into that usb port and plug an SSD into one of your SATAs.