How do you use the BF4 battlepacks?


Registered User
Dec 15, 2013
I open them and choose an item, but then what? Do they just work automatically?
they are automatically added to the things you can use or your boost section.

To use a boost in game, hit ESC and in the lower right corner you have the option to choose one.
You have to open the battle packs first while you're in game-hit escape and on the left hand side you'll see "battle packs" click on that and then you have to open each and every one. Once you've done that esc out of the battle pack section and in the bottom right hand side you'll then see boosts available. Click on that and it'll list all of the boosts.

Also, after unlocking the battle packs, items like silencers, grips, scopes are now available to use when setting up you kit for each weapon.