I Am the ARCHER :)


Registered User
Sep 8, 2013
Finally hit 10k with the bow wanted to let you guys see <3 <3 <3 GET READY FOR THE BUNGIE GAMES EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I've only just started using the bow. It's a pain in the butt. I'd say it's even harder than some of the bolts.
same thing I said at the end when he shot the incoming arrow.


This guy was my idol when I was a kid. He was/is an amazing shot, but he was an outstanding woodsman...the man could (and I think did) write a book on stalking and concealment. I started bowhunting when I was 12, but eventually gave it up after PCSing to places that...well, didn't exactly make it easy to bowhunt: SoCal, the UK loves them some critters, and NC deer look like they're missing a dog collar, in the Eastern part of the state anyway. Tried 3d shooting at various rod and gun clubs on base and stuff, but couldn't get into it. Final straw was being invited to a hunting club...that leased 20 acres, had 50 members, and ran dogs, wtf. I couldn't shoot a recurve for shit, and when I shot fingers it was 50/50 that my arrow would take a 90 degree turn right or left 5 feet after the release (yes, I used a mechanical release after trying fingers in vain over and over and over). But being in the woods using *somewhat* primitive gear was some of the most fun I've ever had. Miss my PSE :(
and ran dogs, wtf.
yea I dont like that shit. fucking piss poor way to hunt ...well your dogs do the hunting and you just shoot. I always liked the aspect of glass hunting/stalking and following tracks, never had a chance to get into it, as my family werent hunters..my friends were, but was never allowed to tag along. Now that im all growed up, everyone runs dogs in the south.
yea I dont like that shit. fucking piss poor way to hunt ...well your dogs do the hunting and you just shoot. I always liked the aspect of glass hunting/stalking and following tracks, never had a chance to get into it, as my family werent hunters..my friends were, but was never allowed to tag along. Now that im all growed up, everyone runs dogs in the south.

Yeah, I don't get it either. To be fair, a lot of them just grew up running dogs hunting for everything. I agree with you though, seems lazy in a way lol
Yeah, I don't get it either. To be fair, a lot of them just grew up running dogs hunting for everything. I agree with you though, seems lazy in a way lol
what are you going to do when your dogs die, or you have to eat your dogs cuz you are starving, or dont have to food to keep them alive. How you gunna kill deer then? when you cant corn feed deer?
My dad's former best friend had great dogs for Pheasant hunting. No dogs in MN for deer. Just sitting in the freezing fucking cold in a tree. Only did it once.
My dad's former best friend had great dogs for Pheasant hunting. No dogs in MN for deer. Just sitting in the freezing fucking cold in a tree. Only did it once.
see, now pheasant/duck/bird hunting is one thing. But having dogs find your deer and chase them for you is two diff types of hunting.
Agreed. Dogging shouldn't be allowed. Lazy ass Americans.

Worse, is what happens to the poor dogs after hunting seasons. It has become somewhat of an epidemic here in NC.
in hte south missishitti, hunting dogs are kept in chainlink prison cells and fed ONCE..maybe twice a day, and are not pets (like bird dogs)...but prisoners sent to do their masters bidding a few times out of the year. Sure you have some owners that only have 1 or 2 deer hounds (that are treated as pets), but majority have 5 or 6 dogs that are treated like shit.