I'm sure there will be an open beta but even if not, I decided I'm going to wait for a big discount on BF1 before I buy it.
I can't justify paying $130 again (with taxes) when I feel DICE abandoned BF4 with the 140 level cap. I don't mind they gave away the bow, despite all the time it took many to find white boxes with tags and meet up to get the bow after inputting the code, but I do mind they're giving away free DLCs without at least increasing level cap for us Premium members who have had the game longer. They certainly abandoned Commander App support for iPad and Android despite that being a big marketing ploy. Likewise Levolution was a big marketing ploy but as the DLCs progressed, Levolution was either nonexistant or minimal. I would like to see E and G buildings in Gulf of Oman to be destroyable so people wouldn't camp the G elevator and would be more inclined to PTFO in conquest.
Anyways good review, how is the "netcode"