
Registered User
Nov 27, 2012
So I've been concerned about being able to donate $10/month, as people like cplmac knows, because my job situation suck(ed) balls. My hours were getting cut at work, I was just a part-timer as it is making $10/hour, I had bills stacked over my head - my lease company sending me threatening letters saying I didn't have enough insurance on their vehicle, simply because I couldn't afford anymore ... Basically, it was a mess.

Well, today I got a call that I got a job that I've been eagerly hoping for, and have had my fingers crossed for like 4 weeks now! (Yeah, it's hard gaming with your fingers crossed).

I'm so pumped! Full time job working for New York State. I'm literally the happiest man in the world right now, feels like I just won millions. lol
Congrats man. Glad you got the job. Huge weight off your shoulders now I hope.
Congrats man. Glad you got the job. Huge weight off your shoulders now I hope.

You don't even know brother! Feel light as a feather. lol. I'm actually keeping my part-time job for weekends (State Job is 8:30-4 M-F) to try and pay off my debt as quickly as possible. (Young and Stupid got me into it)

Already added the proper insurance to the car and squared that up right away.

Life is good!
Feel happier, the average high salary here is 5 USD/hr
Hopefully, with two jobs, you wont find any time to kill me in the servers......j/k
In fact it's probably the opposite, you'll need to exhaust your stress in BF3.....
Congratulations! I know what a huge relief that is, just having gone through it myself. It's always nice when hard work is rewarded.
Hey congrats man sounds like its all going to work out good. Name is Josh pleased to meet you i'm new here. The money will feel all the much sweeter now that you're hopefully though the rough pact. Just keep that belt tight and i'm sure you'll be in the clear soon. Good luck with the new job.
Average here, 25+ Can

Yah but half that goes into buying whale oil to heat the igloos.

Congrats bro!! I now know the feeling you've been going through as I myself am waiting to exhale from hearing the words "you have the job". Anyways hope everything works out and it's all you want it to be.
Congrats man. Hopefully it'll be clear skies from here on out for ya.
Glad to hear it, and a state job to boot! All aboard the gravy train!
Congrats man. Sucks to be in a down and out position... Glad you found a good job ^_^
Very nice! I just give all my salary to Obozo because he is going to take care of me. :) Man, I'm blessed!