I live in a city where...


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
A continuous thread, add yours!

... beer is cheaper than water
... old people beat up teenagers
... the mayor receives paychecks from the FSB
... the water company(state owned) cashes in a profit larger than any other company in the city
... the tallest building is 30 floors high
... it is illegal to gather in large groups without paying a tax.
... you can buy any drug from a taxi driver. (from v pills to c meth)
... the historical building protection is stronger than the police (we got derelict buildings in the CBD...)
... you can't let your kids go out alone for danger of being kidnapped
... it is cheaper to take a plane to another country and buying clothes there instead of buying locally.
...the tallest building is a grain elevator.
...no other building is over three stories tall.
...I can see both corn fields and soybean fields from my kitchen window.
...We have less than 1300 people, yet it requires a town marshall, 3 other cops. 2 utility workers and 2 women working in the city building.
...The town owns two police cars, a police Tahoe, a huge ass pickup (new this year), a utility truck, a back hoe, a dump truck and a gator.
...Until this year, my property tax was $1200 per half for a three bedroom, two bath house with a basement. See above for why it is so high.
...Heroin and meth have become a problem, although it took the death of the child of a prominent couple for the county to admit there was a problem.
...The drought is so bad we are wondering if anyone is going to have sweet corn for sale this year.
i feel you about the city governance thing... the mayor is just a fat dick, he has got 2 people hired to hold the umbrella + over 5 personal assistants while the city is in a debt of 1.2 bil usd and the country 25.4 bil usd