I Should Buy Stock In HP


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
This is what happens when Shockwave wakes up at 3:30 in the morning with back pain and takes a couple of Percocet.

I sold my big gaming rig last week because my HPE590t desktop has more than enough horse power to run any game on the market today or coming out in the near future including BF3 which is the important one to me. I was planning on purchasing a mid range notebook anyway to complement my HP desktop and my HP net book, however I never planned on spending this much. Hence why I shouldn't be shopping at 4oclock in the morning while on pain meds.

I should probably buy stock in HP because everything I own with the exception of a few odds & ends is HP brand including my monitors, printer & both my external drives but I do own some non HP equipment like my wireless router and Saitek flight system but other than that it's all HP. This was one of 3 of the major purchases I was planning on making this year, however after spending as much as I did on this, I may have to count this as 2 of the 3.

As it stands now these are all the HP products I own. HPdv6tqe notebook, HP Mini 210 net book, HP590t desktop, HP Office Jet 4500 printer, (2) HP 2710m 27" HD Widescreen Monitors and finally (2) HP 1TB External HD's

These are the basic specs on my HPE590t desktop and as you can see, it should be more than ok for BF3 if and when it comes out.lol

Intel i7-970 3.2GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 460
160GB SD Drive- Primary drive
1TB 7200 rpm SATA- Secondary drive

I would love to upgrade to the GeForce GTX 560 Ti which is the card that was in the rig I sold last week but it's about 3/4 of an inch longer than the GeForce GTX 460 card and it won't fit in the stock HP case otherwise I would have switched it out before I sold the other PC. Before selling the other rig, I had considered getting a second GeForce GTX 560 Ti card to run SLI but was concerned that I would have had to upgrade the power supply and made a few improvements to the cooling system to prevent overheating.

Oh well now that it's after 7am, I guess I had better stop playing show off & tell and get some sleep before I max out my credit cards with more insane spending and wake up hating myself later. :)

I can't ever imagine buying a $1500 laptop, much less a $2750 one. I don't like the Radeon HD 6570; if I was paying anything like that, I'd grab a laptop with a Mobility HD6800 or HD6900.
I can't ever imagine buying a $1500 laptop, much less a $2750 one. I don't like the Radeon HD 6570; if I was paying anything like that, I'd grab a laptop with a Mobility HD6800 or HD6900.

I ordered an i5 version of this with the Radeon HD 6570 for a former and I emphasize former client of mine about 6 months ago but when it came he didn't have the money to pay for it and I had to sell it to recover as much of the cost as I could.It took almost 3 months to sell it but I only ended up taking a $200 loss so it was worth holding out and not letting it go cheaper. The only catch was, I had to help the buyer configure her new toy the way she wanted it. I also had to setup her wireless network and her printer, not to mention several hours of free Win7 tutoring which was all part of the arrangement.

Any way the point I was trying to get to is that while I was waiting to sell this unit I had a chance to install and play several games on it and while it was no match for either the gaming rig I sold last week or my HP desktop it ran all the games on the highest video setting and never missed a beat, so I decided I wanted to get me the i7 version of this with a few additional enhancements.

Even know I was looking for a new notebook, I didn't start out planning to spend that much money on a new notebook, however when you start shopping online at 4:00am while taking narcotic pain killers this is what can happen so let my foolish be a lesson to all of you. lol I am not proud of what I did but from my post this morning you wouldn't be able to tell that. Honestly I am kind of embarrassed I even posted that at all but as the saying goes, what you going to do, what's done is done.

Just for the record I don't go around popping Percocet and mussel relaxers like they are candy that's the reason they hit me the way they do when I take them, I have no tolerance but that's no excuse. Usually I only take prescription 800mg Ibuprofens' and 10mg Flexerl which is a mussel relaxer to deal with the day to day back pain but my doctor also gives me a prescription for 60- 5mg Oxycodone aka Percocet which usually last me 5 to 6 months because I only take them when I have really bad flare ups with my back like it did this morning and fortunately that doesn't happen too often or I would probably make a fool out of myself a lot more often.

Also keep in mind that price included several accessories that I ordered with it. :)
Fuck HP, build your own. You get a much better rig for less money or a truly kick ass machine for the same $ you're paying HP.

Yea that's a great deal considering it has an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 graphics card w/1024MB DDR3 memory. I am not big on the i3 series processors for the money I would go with an AMD Phenom II X4 processor and the 5400rpm hard drive is a little slow but again for the price & features like I said before it's a great buy and I would recommend it to someone.
A dual-core is sufficient for most gaming. Hyperthreading helps even the playing field a little with titles that prefer quad-cores. Kinda funny that the Core i3 is faster than my Pentium E6300 was (well, at stock. After I overclocked, the E6300 still won).