I was banned


Registered User
Nov 30, 2008
I was ban from your Suez 64 server. I understand the rule for RDX hopping. My pod landed near a admin and I RDX him/her. I didn't hop but it may have seemed that way. I have a RDX ready once my pod breaks I throw it down and quickly detonate it. I play on your server quite a bit and want to apologize. I would like to continue playing on your Titan Suez 64 person server. My player name is Gilup. Let me know if my apology is accepted if not then I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused and I'll find a different server.

Day and time was 11-30 around 1 am central time. I don't have a exact time. 64 Suez titan server. It happen on the back of a titan
RDX hopping is normally at most a 24-hour ban. The admin who banned you will reply back shortly.
I banned him, and It wasn't just 1 accidental occasion, I witnessed the Banee killing massive amounts of people, in very close intervals.

However Gilup you have to understand that I am a Nazi when it comes to RDX'ing on titans, there are only 3 things that I find acceptable as far as RDX defense or offense is concerned that are leagal in our server.

1.) Corridor/Core defense- you have a bomb planted like james bond the guppie walks is and boom you kill him ACCEPTABLE

2.) dropping RDX from the vents onto helpless attackers below -ACCEPTABLE

3.) Mine fielding a DZ/LZ (drop zone or landing zone) then detonating upon contact with the enemy air assault. ACCEPTABLE

any other forms of throwing, jumping hopping skipping and the like are Kickable/Bannable based on 2 forms of judgment, usually given by myself while consulted by another admin

In your case I had seen you blow people up while I was still alive. however your infraction was not as severe as my teammates and a select few individuals on you team as well, which I DO NOT discriminate when it comes to rules. I banned them as well for RDX demo hopping. its our Servers # 3 rule.

I appreciate the courteous apology and thank you for presenting the appeal in a respectful manner, I will have the ban lifted for you and as you are a regular, I invite you to comeback to the server and play at your hearts content :)

if you have any questions please feel free...
I understand what you mean. I was running and RDXing that part is true. I guess I miss understood the rules as no RDX hopping. Thanks for the schooling. I will try to rid my self of this type of killing while on your server.