If BF4 blows...


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
...I will be going back to PR:BF2 often! It seems it is the little engine that kept on trucking.

Project Reality: Realistic Gaming Redefined

Also for all you 2142 fans, BSS has a 2142 mod...BF:40,000

But hopefully bf4 wont be a total let down and waste of money *crosses fingers*! Dont have the bandwidth out here to watch all the trailers and footage =(...so keep me posted on any news that may be detrimental to my decision to give EA/DICE more of your hard earned tax dollars! (thank you)
=(! WHY you gotta rain on my parade!!!!!!!!!!1 oh wait......RAINmotorsports! asshole ;)
They are already starting to deprecate the API. There just comes the point while your installed drivers, video card and libraries support directx 9 all of a sudden performance and stability goes out the window until you rage quit. I miss some of my DX6/7 games I can't play anymore even on XP with dx9 only installed.

DirectX 11 was well designed in regards to older hardware. The library in general made improvements to dx9 and provided methods to code for it while supporting older hardware. That is to say develop for 11 support backwards to 9. What this means is when the point comes where older games go to shit, newer well developed games will not face the same issues even on DX9 hardware (or just running dx9 level rendering).
Valve still supports DX7 on TF2 I think. I know they support DX8, just not sure about 7. It's pretty amazing actually... it's kind of like IBM releasing an update for COBOL recently. Keeping the decomposing bodies alive in the grave...
8 introduced programmable vertex and pixel shaders. Was pretty easy to write DX9 code to support DX8 shaders. I imagine this step in DirectX's design makes it pretty much the oldest supportable API. Everything before that was kinda shitted on and with good reason but still...

What pisses me off is ST: Armada was capable of basic CPU rendering on a 233Mhz Pentium so I should in theory be able to run it in a decent virtual machine setup. But fuck no lol.
CPU rendering... takes me back to the Duke3D days.

And then Quake 1 came out, and I was getting 10FPS or less at 320x200... which made me get a Voodoo 2 :-) . Zero regrets given.