Ignorance beyond repair


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011

so i came up on this... i was shocked and appalled, like holy fucking shit, even my sarcasm detector didn't go off on this one...

I happened to be reading up on this ... List of battles involving France in modern history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that is in total 471 victories and 214 defeats,a 69 percent win ratio, I had the deepest motherfucking facepalm of all time after spotting these 2 ignorant cunts.

For the love of god, if you are bored and carry an U.S. passport, become a history teacher.(in regards to French intervetion in the American Civil War)
That's because people are stupid. The French got their ass handed to them in Vietnam (sound familiar?), but fought in WWII bravely. The French Resistance was a tremendous help to downed pilots. More reading would help. I used to read all the time (mostly WWII history), but I've gotten dumber since I discovered the Internet. :(
yes, they got raped in vietnam due to the chief commander's brilliant plan of making huge forts, the vietnamese simply surrounded it and bombed it to shit.
That's because people are stupid. The French got their ass handed to them in Vietnam (sound familiar?), but fought in WWII bravely. The French Resistance was a tremendous help to downed pilots. More reading would help. I used to read all the time (mostly WWII history), but I've gotten dumber since I discovered the Internet. :(

Not to mention the Revolutionary War where they helped us resist and ultimately defeat the British. But then again, no one tends to look back that far...

Also Marquis de Lafayette. That is all.
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Yeah but no one cares about ancient history :p I mean we sent civilians how many guns over there during WW2 that are turning up with all the rounds still packed in em? jk

I actually never knew why French people thought we hated them until I got the internet. French people actual tend to assume we hate them, at least everyone that I have met. Go Sarkozy the American lol. I mean come on don't take it personal many countries like to give other countries a little shit now and then. Just say Canadians, making fun of Mexico is apparently offensive! Yeah when a war ends and your president declares that you free'd yourselves and that no one else helped it kinda tends to piss people off. Which is exactly why Sarkozy gets shit, for trying to set the record straight.

Cold war was my favorite for history class. Can't say too much else interested me social studies wise. Kinda leaves a fella dumb to the world.
It's always funny to hear English people poke fun at the French surrendering and all that (it's pretty common), but Americans are probably the least of the people who should be disrespecting France, considering their help with this little thing called the war for independence.
It's always funny to hear English people poke fun at the French surrendering and all that (it's pretty common), but Americans are probably the least of the people who should be disrespecting France, considering their help with this little thing called the war for independence.

or the little thing called the desert storm, or the vietnam war, or the korean war... :D