Im kinda upset


Registered User
May 9, 2013
So i preordered battlefield 4 about a month ago and bought the game and everything. 119.99 for the game and premium. It showed that on my bank account that 119.99 was spent on my account. And it had the game preorder in my origin profile. I was super stoked when i got home today because our internet has been down for a couple days and I wanted to preload it. Then to my dismay the game did not show in my origin profile nor my battlelog. All it kept saying was preorder bf4. But I already did that! I checked my bank account and called them to see what was happening and they couldn't figure it our. I tried looking on threads to see if people had similar problems but none did that I could find. I am short 119.99 and i am certain according to my bank account it went to origin. But I didn't get the game. I've been trying to fix this problem most the day. Any suggestions?
Yeah, fuck the download content and get the disc next time. In the interim, check your statements and make sure that money went towards the game and premium. Contact your bank and tell you should be able to get your money back. It's similar to disputing charges on your credit card, but I forget the name the bank calls that procedure. I had that happen once and it took 4 days, but I got the money returned to my bank account.

I'd rather wait until the disc arrives tomorrow morning and just install it instead of having to deal with shit like that and then have to wait 3 hours or more to actually install the game. Good luck.
Thanks ill see if that works. I dont want to spend 240 dollars on bf4
That is exactly what happened to me from the 1$ in the bank account to the 0$ refunded
Hi Goldy. Any good news for us yet, or are you still in limbo?