Info on R9


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Fixes that are announced.

· admin.say command implemented
- the output currently looks a bit funky on the game client, like so: Player: [Server]: <text>
but with the next game client it will look like: Server: <text>

· admin.yell to squad has changed (you need to specify both team and squad)

· squad numbering has changed – the “no squad” squad has ID 0, and real squads are 1 and up.

· Autobalance improved, it shuffles people both during and between rounds now, and does a better job. No way to turn it off via admin interface yet I think.

· mapList* commands reworked

· banList* commands reworked

· listPlayers command added

· admin.listPlayers command reworked (GUID, kills, deaths, ping and score added)

· Players have non-PB GUIDs now (these are distinct from PB GUIDs)

· onChat event reworked
- now it specifies target player subset as well
- shows text before profanity filtering
- client-originated chat messages starting with “/” make it to the server, and broadcast via onChat, but are not broadcast to other game clients
- use “/!<command>” if you want to be able to send commands to your homemade rcon tools without showing the commands to other players

· player.onAuthenticated added (it’s triggered when a player receives GUID)

· player.onSquadChange, player.onTeamChange implemented

· Couple of crash fixes

· Support for “region” setting

Expanded list of changes going into R9 (these are in addition to the original list above):
· Ranked ON enforces PB ON, game password OFF
· Ranked and PB can only be changed during the server’s startup phase (i.e. vars.punkBuster is writable from AdminScripts.txt but read-only when the server is up and running)

· bugfixed
· mapList.nextLevelIndex is always pointing out which map will be run during the next round (so during round 1 on a 2-round map, the nextLevelIndex will point to the map currently being played)
· exposed number of rounds per maps in maplist.txt, and via the remote admin commands

Example maplist:
levels/mp_012gr # runs with default number of rounds for the map
levels/mp_012gr 0 # runs with default number of rounds for the map
levels/mp_012gr 1 # run 1 round
levels/mp_012gr 2 # run 2 rounds
levels/mp_012gr 3 # run 3 rounds

Example console commands:
mapList.append levels/mp_012gr # add map with default number of rounds
mapList.append levels/mp_012gr 0 # add map with default number of rounds
mapList.append levels/mp_012gr 1 # add map with 3 rounds
mapList.append levels/mp_012gr 2 # add map with 3 rounds
mapList.append levels/mp_012gr 3 # add map with 3 rounds

mapList.list # get maplist
-> OK “levels/mp_012gr” “levels/mp_012gr” “levels/mp_012gr”

mapList.list magic_extra_argument_which_will_be_named_in_an_hou r_or_so # get maplist, including number of rounds
-> OK “levels/mp_012gr” “0” “levels/mp_012gr” “3” “levels/mp_012gr” “0” # get pairs of <mapname, number of rounds> where 0 = default for that gamemode

-> OK <stuff that is shown already today> “2” # After the current round finishes, there are 2 rounds left to play on the current map

2. We are also currently trying out R9 servers with some server providers and a new client update is due in the near future. It is likely it will slip into next week as we don't release clients at the end of the working week just in case the worst should happen. More info on R9 servers and the client once they have been finalised.

3. PB issues have been sorted and no server crashes we know of are based on Punkbuster itself, the only thing left is the server browser having inverted PB filtering but that is in the next client where that is fixed anyway.

4. As far as changing weapon damage: That is down to Demize99. Currently we are looking to put his changes not in the next update that is out, R9, but in the R10 release.

The info i got from jake for region setting in browser:

Value Interpretation
NAm North America
SAm South America
AC Antarctica
Afr Africa
EU Europe
Asia Asia
OC Oceania

This better help with those servers that are not being displayed on browser. Or else I'm sure there will be a lot of unhappy players

A lot of fixes. Lets hope this shit works!