Is it worthy of all the hype?


Registered User
Nov 13, 2011
So here I am killing time in the Ft. Mcmurray air terminal waiting to board my flight to come home and was wondering how the game is going for all my TBG buddies? Gaming newsletters and reviews are all saying BF4 is playing fantastic. So how bout it? Can hardly wait to get home in a couple hrs and start loading it up. Looking fwd to seeing yah all and taking another patented SteamR crap on the battlefield.... see you on ts in a few hrs.

Cleveland_SteamR Out!!!
It's gotten better, but there are some issues where I can't go more than say, 5 - 6 rounds without it crashing. It's a lot better though so your experience would be a bit better.
It goes down more than one of my former girlfriends, and that was lots.
BF3 with better sound and maps, graphics are a little nicer too. Still buggy and the maps need to be deglitched but the game is fun when it works, lots of shotguns. They trashed the attack chopper, water is way better though. Overall its going to solid when they finish patching it up in 2015.
... but BF5/BF:BC3 comes out in 2014...?! They're on a patch release schedule where the new game is out before the old one is bug-free :-P
^^^Got to keep the money pipeline flowing, Heat! Not to mention, release of other maps (at a substantial cost), then they will do another humble bundle of BF4 just before the release of the new game to allow all the hackers to play again for only $5. This will frustrate you into buying the new game on pre-order.