Is playing with friends a bannable offense on TBG BF4 Servers?


Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
Because that's what happened to a few of my friends from the Symthic forums.

The gist is, there was some noob on the other team, spent the entirety of 4-5 rounds in a row screaming in chat that we were hacking somehow, inciting everyone to "report us to EA" and such. We said, go ahead, we aren't cheating but he kept up. At one point a few TBG members joined the server, and we thought good, now they can put a stop to this harassment. I said something like, "Please stop haccusing us now, there are some TBG guys here and we maintain a friendly relationship with them since our friendly match last spring." One of the TBG guys said, "They're no friends of ours" and started banning us.

Not all of us got banned, I was not banned, but I'm coming here now asking why we were banned, as you guys have a great East Coast server, and since the Symthic community is large, and on all continents, when the EU guys want to play with us US guys, we try to pick an east coast US server.

Anyways, we never had a problem in BF3, and in fact I had listed your server in our list of top competitive public servers in North America.

Anyways, here are the battle reports, the last of which was the round most of us were banned on. The admin who said we TBG was not a friend of the Symthic community was not a name I recognized from our community match, but I know you guys have a huge community and likely dozens of admins.

Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

As you can see, we had players on both teams all rounds. Yes we have a good scout heli player, and yes Incarnate is really good in the attack boat.

And if you don't recall, here's the match our community had with your community last spring: Symthic vs TBG : VIDEO RESULTS - Battlefield 3: General Discussion - Symthic Forum
Sorry, what other details did you need?

* I am not sure how many of us were banned, but I can list all of our players (on both teams) below.
* The game was Battlefield 4.
* The server is the one cited in those battle reports.
* The Battle reports also include the date and time.
* We were not given a warning nor reason why we were banned.
* Did not recognize Admin's name
* Possible reason for being banned is that some noob was calling us all hackers for 5+ rounds in a row, and perhaps the admin believed him?

These two were doing well at the time of the bans, so if the admin was banning players for playing well, then these are the two most likely:
Progression - Evict-M3SH - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - Marseee - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

Others who had joined us at some point that evening:
Progression - theaha - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - Haemoglobin - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - Level-Incarnate - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - AdmiralGiggles - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - David_Grohl - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - l__Sao__I - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - Vip3rFTW - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - zeRezal - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - IIEquillibriumII - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - wieweet - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - aC4PZ - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Progression - LevelBF-JSRaider - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

Thanks for your help.

If the above info is not enough, can I fill out ban appeals for each of them or do they each need to come here and make an account individually?
Marseee's name sounds familiar. I am going to take the time to look this up. But here is the reason why we need ban appeals filled out. I still haven't seen what server and thats going to take me time to figure out. It might be in there but normally its always in the same place on the form.
Okay you guys did come up in a discussion some time ago and Marseee was banned by one of our admins likely over an unidentifiable hud element in a PBscreen cap. Some people were quick to defend you guys and we came to an agreement.

Had i realized there was a ban on his account I would have lifted it at that time.
Edit - In fact that ban was lifted already. I was reading the raw ban list didn't notice the unban marker.

I spot checked a few other names i didn't see anything. You have to let me know if anyone else is banned but his ban was lifted after it happened and you guys should otherwise be fine.
Sid as far as i am concerned until he comes back with any other names that are banned this was solved. We solved it internally almost 4 days ago when it happened. The only ban that I saw was lifted.
Thanks Rain, and ChuckTheHammer also PM'd me with similar sentiment. I appreciate the help, and I most of all appreciate your group's commitment to fun and fair Battlefield Server hosting!

It's no surprise your servers are as popular as they are.

If you have the strange PBScreen in question for Marsee handy, I'd love to see it. In PM or here. Marsee is new to our team but I am confident he's clean. :)
If you have the strange PBScreen in question for Marsee handy, I'd love to see it. In PM or here. Marsee is new to our team but I am confident he's clean. :)

I don't have it but it should be on our sync server. As far as I am concerned the element looked like it was part of an in game hud but because it was so far off center (stupid pb caps are so low res) it definitely looked out of place. It was on the water and it had the number 1 with and angled line going down and to the right. Normally I am the master of validating screen shots but Ive played like an hour of BF4 so its one of those...
Evict-M3sh was not banned? Pretty sure I banned him? I banned him for a rank of 101 in a strange blue font. There where hacks in bf3 that did this.
I see now that the update lets you go to 110, and it shows in a bugged out font. Not his fault Dice still has this game in Beta...And I Noobed out and jumped the gun.
Anyways if he was banned I'd like to appologize,and Ask how big is shit bucket is? lol
His name had changed and thats why I did not see it. Found it by guid and removed but a pb restart has not been done to put it into effect.
I sent Marsee a PM on the Symthic forums a few days ago when I lifted his ban. I was the coordinator on the TBG side for our scrim this past spring and I remember you guys. The colored rank font is a new addition, I saw a purple 103 colonel in our server a few days ago. Our clans have no problem and we will get this sorted out. If there is anyone else besides Marseee who was banned shoot me their names and the server it was on and I'll get it lifted. I think it should be good now though.

TWL does use fast vehicle spawn. We had the top three spots in the TWL attack chopper ladder and every match had fast vehicle spawn, but that was a different kind of competition. Did anyone really want to wait for vehicle spawns? I remember by the time we got to Kharg anything that was going to help end the match more quickly would have been welcome...