Is the server running properly right now?


Registered User
Apr 13, 2013
In the NS2 server browser it is alternating between having it at 24/24 players playing on the server, and 0/24. When you look to see who is playing and when they joined it shows that the longest playing person has been playing for 13 hours, and the person who joined the latest has been playing for 6 hours 50 minutes. This seems very peculiar.

I tried to query up for over 25 minutes and no one left. Can someone with web admin see if anyone is actually on the server right now and playing? If not, I think its time for a restart....
Looks like the server is down or something.... Connecting manually via IP errors out with the "could not establish connection to server" error instead of the "server full" error.
It was repeatedly lagging on Friday, I think it was a routing issue. 90% with 800+ ping. Played yesterday with no issues for about 2 hours. I haven't played today.
Routing issues shouldn't show people playing who aren't though. I was playing earlier today just fine (it seeded really quick as well) with no lag at all. Very peculiar....
By 90% I mean 90% of the server population. It emptied in 5 min.

We talked with cotton, and he couldn't see anything wrong. He said something about a memory leak, but if it's that bad they should've patched it already. IDK...
After 30 minutes the score is the same as it was, as it the number and name of the people playing. So either they are having some kind of slumber party, or something has gone really wrong with the server, heh.
looks like the server actually froze - but it didnt restart for some reason

I'll restart it in the morning since it's already late at night