is this 3 star?

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if this is brigadier general

then how do you get this? I found this on one of the guys i knifed recently...
Copied from Total Gaming Network when someone over there contacted EA:

The Decay ranks are awarded to the 76 players (tweakable) in the world with the highest score (experience points) and reached the 40th rank. The rank is based on the previous week total amount of experience points and divided as follow:

Major General 50 players
Lieutenant General 25 players
Supreme Commander 1 player

The Decay Ranks will not generate any unlocks.

Highest score is the aggregated score (total summary of Career points) at the specific time of calculation, which should be at a time where the player count is as low as possible for instance every Monday at 2 am PST.

The Overall score Leaderboard is checked, calculated and updated on a weekly basis (tweakable).

Every week the Supreme Commander of the week will be added to the Hall of Fame Leaderboard.

Decay Conditions:

To have the weekly amount of earned Career Points added to your total Career progress the player needs to fulfill these three criteria?s.

Reached the 40th rank Brigadier General
2000-5000 In A Round Score during the week (tweakable)
K/D Ratio of 1 - 2 (average during the previous week) (tweakable)

If the player doesn?t fulfill these criteria?s his Career points stays unchanged. (the weekly earned experience points plus In A Round Score are not added to his total Career progress)

Criteria: Score/week K/D Ratio
Major General 50 players 2000 1
Lieutenant General 25 players 3000 1.5
Supreme Commander 1 player 5000 2

EA Technical Support

I've come close a few times but have never gotten a decay rank but a few of my buddies have. It's pretty difficult to do because of all the stat padders. The guys I know who got it created new soldiers and timed everything so they could get all the major awards in the same week. All 3 were awarded 3 stars and used the same process.
I got Lt. General and kept it for 3 weeks and then I couldn't keep up the grind required to maintain it, plus I was shipping out to Air Assault School with the Army so It was really fun while it lasted, I knew I couldn't keep it forever, I was just around the peak of my game play that I got it. If you ever do get it, you MUST milk as many commander hours as you can with it. I believe soulzz was one too back in the day,

it sucks because all the hackers ruin anyones chances of getting the rank now a days which is really stupid on EA's behalf.

There is another requirement however, you must have achieved BG within a short period of time to be eligible for promotion to a Corps command position, ( LT.Gen + Maj.Gen)
I have like no commander hours. I hate it. Theres no action involved... its lame. Its someone elses job.
I'm with you man, it's a very rare occasion if you see me commanding. It's not that I'm bad at it, actually quite the opposite. It's just so boring.
I like commanding, if squads are doing what they are told it could be very interesting, one of the first gold medals that I got when was ranking up was a titan commander badge.
hey Lex, where did you go to Air Assault School? I went to the one at Scofield Barracks in the early 80's when I was stationed at Pearl Harbor. A bunch of us marines went through because it was a new school for us. The best one I went to was Fast Rope/SPIE master and Rappel, nothing like flying under a helo attached with a nylon strap!

On the subject of the thread, I am tempted to start a second soldier just to see how much better my stats are. Maybe I should do that during spring bread, since my wife's school is on a different schedule and I can devote the time needed to get it done.
Cool dude, HI is nice, plenty of nice beach fronts if your a chill guy, I bet I would have slept in every hammock there lol,

I went to West Point for AASLT, they flew the 101st AB cadre in from Cambell and since about 95% of the students were future officers they chewed on us, and It was fucking sweet
we did SPIEs one day and i think that was my favorite
I always like SPIE better than Fastrope. I knew two guys (one was my 1stSgt in Panama and another was a SEAL in the gulf) who broke legs doing it. I hated smoking a pair of boots and gloves slowing down so you didn't land on top of someone. Actually did a fastrope onto a moving ship from almost 90'. Scary as hell, thinking, "Shit this crap on make back is making me off balance".