It Nears: Colleges Offering Courses In Unmanned Drones


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
"The pilotless aircraft industry is expected to create more than 23,000 U.S. jobs over the next 15 years, according to the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. A spokesperson for the group told The Daily that 150 colleges are now offering courses.
Jeb Bailey, 28, told The Daily he has taken every drone-related course at Northwestern Michigan College. It's no wonder why, when drone pilots can make $50,000 to $120,000 per year, according to Tom Kenville, founder of Unmanned Applications Institute International. Bailey said the idea of flying unmanned drones for a year in Afghanistan to pay off student loan debt sounded pretty attractive."
Flying unmanned drones for a year in Afghanistan to pay off your student loans sounded pretty attractive to you, did it, Jeb? Let me tell you what sounds attractive to me: a naked lady with big ol' milky-white titties lounging on my couch like she just stepped out of some fancy old oil painting. Yeah, and she's got a Butterfinger ice cream bar in her hand and she's mouthing something to me. You know what she's saying, Jeb? She's saying, "I'm full, you can have the rest." Now that's f***ing attractive. I still haven't paid off my student loans.

Colleges Offer Courses And Training For Flying Unmanned Drones
Sort of scary. What do the administrators expect the first instructors of unmanned drone classes to understand themselves?

Don't like the idea of a guinea pig year of unmanned drone controllers. :-/