Just found a great new cure for migraine.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2012
220 volts for 10 seconds cures a migraine instantly.

I was fixing my washing machine this afternoon, and stupidly forgot to unplug the fucking thing. I had both arms inside the thing up to my elbows, trying to replace the drive belt when I came into contact with the transformer. Took nearly 10 seconds to get my arms out due to the Michael J Fox style twist and shout dance I was doing. My left arm now looks like someone has been using it as an ashtray, and feels like I've had it shoved in a Hornets nest.

On the up side. The migraine I woke up with was completely gone, and I now have 30 days worth of Tramadol. My arm hurts like a mother-fucker but I'm now too high to give a shit lol.
Who needs electroshock therapy? Just rub one out and it does the trick. Sheesh, no need to reinvent the wheel. Hope your arm feels better soon.
lmfao, you do realize you could have died right there , hands elbow deep in a washing machine?
AHAHAHAHAHAH, been there done that. When I lived in Germany, We has cheaply made dryer. So I try to replace the belt that broke. Upon taking the lid off to look, I got 220V shock to the body. I screamed like a school girl. Lesson learned, unplug the fucking thing first.