Just found my COD4 disk!! :DD


Registered User
Jan 1, 2013
You better believe im going to install this bad boy and play it!!Anyone else play often??
just add the cdkey to your steam account. never worry about losing it again
Can legacy (pre steam) keys be added to steam? I didn't realize that, I will have to check that out.

FastGunner. I'm on most evenings and FAST and Bracket are on some as well.
Be sure and hit up the sticky thread in the COD4 that has some tweaks and optimizations. They make a big difference. Also, hit me up on steam if you like.
Installs game from CD. Proceeds to download patch the size of the entire game. Just saying it could happen lol.
Post your steam names and ill add you , ill be able to play a little later on in the day :)
Should be under AmishBob.

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