[BF4] Kan I get whitelisted on the bf3 maps server for ping overages.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2015
Good afternoon guys. I was wondering if i could get whitelisted in the bf3 maps server. I keep getting kicked for having a ping of over 200 every night usually after 8:00 central time and it gets annoying especially when im in a good squad or kicking ass with Mex and Gart. I know i should proly upgrade my internet but I hate time warner and ATT and refuse to give them anymore money unless i absolutely need too due to their monopolistic tendencies. anyhoo if you kan help me it would really be appreciated, but i understand if this might put me at an advantage over other players with lower pings. I live in the great state/country of Texas.
Thank you Matt. I kant wait to kill with impunity tonight. See you on the battlefield Gart if im not on BF1 beta tonight but with a download of 7 gigs ill proly have to wait till tomorrow to play the beta. :(