I love to gun, so solo pilots make me sad.
Solo pilots love to solo, so gunners make them sad.
The second a pilot asks me to "get out" you can bet I'm outta there....server rule or not, and yes, I'm thinking that pilot is selfish, or else a noob who is going to do something stupid and was nice enough to tell me to get out, or they have a gunner of their choice, which if fine too.
Good solo pilots "lose kills to gunners" -- that's why they don't want a good gunner--of course, they don't want a bad gunner either, giving away location and such.
Gunners want decent pilots too. Even at TBG I've gunned for a couple of pilots who stop flying and tell me to shoot an individual foot soldier "See him right there?" -- we die while APCs, tanks, and everything else rolls along the battlefield! I expected more from a gunship clan, but I guess there are all levels of learning at TBG. Everyone can't be a fast-falcon. I'm thinking those dead pilots think I'm a bad gunner, when it's their piloting skills at fault! Duh!
Two of my favorite pilots don't use voice communication at all. We spot, have rhythm and type notes. I've learned their flying style. We NEVER stop moving, mopping up the battlefield...now that's efficient and fun!
i like "no rules" servers. There are always idiots and at least on a no rules server, there is no complaining. Clans run the place however they like: good or bad. Clans usually have rules that protect the main members of that clan...it's simple as that.
Holla4adolla is not on the TBG membership list. ?