Kindergarten Cannons (lulz!)


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008
Alright, I was gonna post this in the LOTD (Lulz Of The Day) thread that I keep bumping with weird/funny pix, but I feel like it deserves a thread of its own.

Apparently, these are "cannons" which some children made in a kindergarten out of play doh (or whatever it's called here). By the way, the labels underneath the "cannons" are the kids' names, and I can't read the notice behind them, but it says "Theme: Cannons.... bla bla, something about 'parents' towards the bottom." It's too far away and the angle is too crappy to read. They're Cyrillic, so I'm guessing (also by the names) that it's somewhere in Russia or nearby.

A failure of hilariously epic proportions.

My wife and I both rofl over this one since we are both art teachers. There are some projects you just wish you hadn't thought of.