Last of the Mohicans!

FUCK YEAH ! Love that song in the movie when they are trying to catch up with Magua and the colonels daughter. Then Chingachgook smoke's Magua in some knife fight with his rifle used as a huge tomahawk.
It's not his gun. Far too short. I've been trying for years to find out what it's called because it's such a fucking cool weapon. There's a scene earlier on when he throws it and the big spike gets buried in a guy's back.


Edit: found it!
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Zappy badass cover of the trooper! Anything Iron maiden was excellent really good guitar players ,rather technical for hard rock.
Dude down in South America Iron Maiden is like what metallica was for alot of us pre black album.
they were on a station called Palladium recently. they did this huge tour down there. Some people camped out for days.
Pretty impressive how this music still moves people, and how dedicated a fan will be when they have no money.
Okay the Aces high acoustic is just fucking reedonculous!