Lockers server now:

Will do. He ran past me standing in a corner,and I was like wtf...a floating gun? Then I remembered hearing about the invisibility hack. :\
hes back under a different name,same guy he even admits it, same program. Hamaguchi
yes, I had reported him there first. I am also a BF4DB procon admin on my server so I keep them up to date with everything I find. Great community for stopping these clowns.
High fives and promotions for all! Everyone come to my house, I'm making a fabulous taco dinner. Please carpool.
Payer claims to have 500 accounts and I have reported as many as 4-5 alone tonight. Hacking with everything known to exist. speed,aimbot,esp,walls,high-jump, invisibility, you name it i saw it come from this player as he was on my team with only a few people in the server showing me what his hacks did... Claims to be getting paid to shut down servers. Also says it plays from a proxy and can't be stopped.
Also note that:
also turned on invisibility while the hacker was killing people, running from C I saw him enable invisibility and said "I am wasted and just running around A flag"
So this player is suited for the banhammer as well. Reporting to BF4DB now.
This try-it-before-you-buy-it shit that DICE / EA is doing with BF4 is pretty much allowing hackers to "beta-test" their hacks on free accounts. Account #1 gets banned, they move onto account #2 and #3 and so on. The cheaters will also document servers that don't have active 24x7 administration. I know eG has had to beef up their security as well. Probably would be a good idea to fill in some gaps on some of the TBG servers for the time being.